Some Hows and Whys
I built MonkeyButton Software to provide a way to distribute tools to people who need them. Not many people will ever need the tools on this site. Maybe as I have time or inclination to do other things that will change. Or if my boss fires me from my day job and I have to get real busy doing other things real fast.
I'm not a zealot when it comes to licensing or open source version this v that. Typically I release tools and toys as freeware. Use as is and at your own risk. A lot of what I do is plain old hacking. If you are under 35 you probably think this means being a cracker. Old school hackers are not criminals and don't get off on breaking other people's things. You can read an article about that subject here if you are interested. Hacking implies a curiosity about the way things work and an unwillingness to accept the status quo when there's a better way. Which you have to prove or you're just a whiner. If you made it this far you may be hacker material or at least very bored and you need to get a life.